Current issue

Legal Journal “Law of Ukraine”, a national legal periodical, was founded in 1922.


The purpose of the Journal is to publish original materials written by authors with a focus on scientific, theoretical and practical topics and on judicial and law application activities, with the aim of promoting the development of the Ukrainian national legal science and improvement of current law.

The Journal publishes scientific, theoretical and practical materials on topical general theoretical and branch-specific legal issues, law application practice, and also proposals to legislation, as well as foreign legal experience; case law of the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional, Supreme, international commercial arbitration, arbitration tribunals etc.


Each scientific article submitted for publication in the Legal Journal “Law of Ukraine” is subjected to high-quality independent double-blind peer review, where the reviewer does not know who the author of the scientific article is, and the author does not know who reviews his/her article.


Target audience: law scientists, defense lawyers, judges, prosecutors, investigators, law students of higher educational institutions, practicing lawyers, and persons employed in the legal sector.

Headings of the Journal


Legal Journal “Law of Ukraine” (Ukrainian version) is included in the International scientometric database "HeinOnline" (USA), the International scientometric database "EBSCO Publishing, Inc." (USA), International scientometric database "Index Copernicus International" (Warsaw, Poland). November, 2014

Legal Journal “Law of Ukraine” is included in the list of scientific expert publications specializing in legal sciences (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated December 28, 2017 No. 1714)


ISSN (print): 1026-9932 (paper version)


ISSN (online): 2310-323X (electronic version)


Series and number of the certificate of state (registration of the printed medium) КВ 23026-12866ПР dated 28.12.2017


Publication interval - monthly


Languages: Ukrainian, English


Editor-in-Chief – Oleksandr Sviatotskyi, Doctor Habil. of Legal Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine

Chairman of the Editorial Council – Ruslan Stefanchuk, Doctor Habil. of Legal Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Scientist and Engineer of Ukraine